Monday, August 18, 2008

Back in Shipley

This blog is getting very repetitive... Yes, we are back in Shipley after 4 days in London. We found time to visit Liz and Phil Windsor. They weren't home but we did manage to gain entry to part of their home, which is more like a castle really. It's pretty amazing but I wasn't allowed to take any photos of the inside, but I did get a few of the outside though. Apparently the family has lived there for generations but they weren't called Windsor...? The next day we drove in Dan's waterlogged VW down to visit his parents on the south coast. We noticed as we arrived that there was smoke/steam coming from under the bonnet. Dan & I, with our collective mechanical expertise decided that there may be some problem. To cut a long story short we did not arrive home last night until after midnight in a tow-truck with the sick VW on the back tray. In the meatime we had a pleasant lunch at a very old pub, washed down with too much "Piddle" beer. I don't recommend it.

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